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Just Updated 46 minutes ago!

2800 Monterey Dr. | Reno, NV
4 Ba | $599,500

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Listingbook has the most accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date information including MLS data and public records. Searching is on your terms and made easy with custom mapping tools and property features - and you can rest assured the data is accurate - no need to worry about looking at homes that are no longer available.

If you are selling your home, you'll see sales trends from your neighborhood, competitive listings sent daily to your inbox, performance statistics, and updates. Your listing will have its own web site and complete, accurate and updated data will help you avoid misleading estimates of your home's value.


Listingbook provides access to the most current real estate information so you can see how your property stacks up to the competition.

Locate homes that are for sale or have recently sold in your neighborhood and discover why millions of buyers and sellers prefer Listingbook over any other online search.

Search like an agent with a free Listingbook account. Contact a local real estate agent today to get connected to the most timely and accurate local real estate data.

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Sold on 03/28/16

854 Auburn Ct. | Carson City, NV
2 Ba | $190,000

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